
France IGN Top25 Departments 74-Haute-Savoie Ссылочный идентификатор: 744

Площадь: Metropolitan France (overseas territories are not included) + Monaco

Источник: IGN France

Шкала: 1:25.000

Формат: Топографический

Размер: 388.96 Mb

разрешение: 2.4 m/px

Версия : 2024


35,17 $

Set up in 1940 to replace the service géographique de l'armée, to stop aircraft, maps and mapmaking equipment falling into enemy hands, the Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière (IGN) today is the main public body responsible for geographical information on French territory and one of Europe’s leading geographical institutes. It is currently a national benchmark in mapping and an important cartographic supplier for our collection of maps of France.

France IGN Top 25 Mosaic is a collection of high-quality maps that can be purchased separately by territories, in this case France IGN Top25 Departments.

France IGN Top25 Departments is a map distinguished for its level of accuracy and detail covering the most important trekking areas of Франция. This topographic map includes precise information such as elevation contour lines, pathways (from highways to footpaths), points of interest, towns, cities, parks... all in all presented in 1:25.000 with a resolution of 2.4 m/px. Remember that for a most realistic representation, you can display this map using a stunning 3D view.

France IGN Top 25 Mosaic are high quality maps and can be purchased as France IGN Top25 Departments, in this case France IGN Top25 Departments 74-Haute-Savoie. They are updated regularly and include detailed information about each map as contours, ways (from highways to roads), points of interest, towns, cities, parks ... with a scale of 1:25.000 and a resolution of 2.4 m/px.

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