
Norway Topo Full Ссылочный идентификатор: 1687

Источник: Statens Kartverk Norge

Шкала: 1:50.000

Формат: Топографический

Размер: 10622.53 Mb

разрешение: 3.2 m/px

Версия : 2012

89,28 $

This topographic map contains all kind of accurate data including: elevation contour lines, pathways (from highways to footpaths), huge amount of POIs (points of interest), towns, cities, national parks, etc. Remember that you can display this map in stunning 3D view using a free elevation map (*.CDEM file).

Norway Topo Full is a map distinguished for its level of accuracy and detail. This topographic map includes precise information such as elevation contour lines, pathways (from highways to footpaths), points of interest, towns, cities, parks... all in all presented in 1:50.000 with a resolution of 3.2 m/px. Remember that for a most realistic representation, you can display this map using a stunning 3D view.