
Spain Ortho Full Ссылочный идентификатор: 1162

Площадь: Spain

Источник: IGN España

Шкала: 1:12.000

Формат: Ортофото

Размер: 132529.26 Mb

разрешение: 1.2 m/px

Версия : 2011

34,95 $

Orthophoto based on aerial photographs geometrically calibrated to get a uniform map scale. This high-resolution map contains all kind of elements included in the landscape: buildings, pathways (from highways to footpaths), rivers, coastline, national parks...
This product is based on a mosaic map made up of tiles (territory divided in equal portions of terrain), so you can buy tiles individually or in groups.

Spain Ortho Full is an orthophoto based on aerial photographs, pictures have been geometrically calibrated to get a uniform map scale. This high-resolution map contains all kind of elements included in the landscape: buildings, pathways (from highways to footpaths), rivers, coastline, national parks... all in all presented in 1:12.000 with a resolution of 1.2 m/px. Remember that for a most realistic representation, you can display this map using a stunning 3D view.