
GPS for Free flight

  • GPS Paragliding


  • GPS Glider


  • GPS  Ultralight


  • GPS Balloon


Which GPS is the best for your Flights?

There are key aspects that will help you identify which is the GPS you need: robustness, screen, buttons, autonomy, maps, accessories and connectivity

Compare all models

GPS for Paragliding

Would you rather fly than feel your feet on the ground? Feel like a bird and increase the safety of your flights anywhere in the world.

Essential features for a Paragliding GPS

GPS for Ultralight plane

Do you think everything looks different from the air? Aspire to be better and ensure the reliability of all your aerial adventures.

Essential features for an Ultralight GPS

GPS for Glider

Imagine flying only with the sound of the air around you and with the birds close to you. The world looks very different from up there, right?

Essential features for a Glider GPS

GPS for Ballon

Do you dare to get on the balloon and walk through the sky? Relive the unique and fascinating feeling of gazing at the earth from the clouds.

Essential features for a Globe GPS

TwoNav Ecosystem

TwoNav flies with you. Live a complete and safe experience from start to finish.

Plan your route with LAND

1. Prepare
Download Air and plan detailed waypoints on your next flight.

Link your GPS with APP Link

2. Connect
Pair the GPS with TwoNav Link App, you can synchronize activities, receive WhatsApp? messages and calls.

GPS devices

3. Fly
Go flying with the experience and safety of a TwoNav GPS: orientation, precision and reliability.

Download maps to your GPS

4. Discover
Zoom in on the map and locate thermal currents, landing zones and restricted areas.

Relay your position from the GPS

5. Broadcast
Broadcast your position in real time wherever you are. Guarantee your safety and that of your family members.

Synchronize the last activity from the GPS

6. Analyze
Synchronize your last activity with the GO Cloud?. Share your experience with friends and other fans.

TwoNav GPS for Outdoor

Ver Ecosystem

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